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Showing posts from September, 2024

「この番組は、ご覧のスポンサーの提供でお送りします」Inference Labs

It's official, I have corporate sponsors now (which will hopefully be closer to strategic partnership soon, at least I'd like that). Thanks for the steaks and wine and equipment and all other resources for my distributed hacker team (I'm hoping for a cool demo for ETHOnline hackathon), and local Web3 meatup group I facilitate in Tbilisi (steaks and gas money for everyone participating in the ecosystem), and my Web3 community support army in training. A large bag of kudos for our general sponsor: Inference Labs! If anybody needs help onboarding into the decentralised world, reach me privately and we'll help you navigating the options, we have the expenses covered and good people for this (better points of contact are being established, things are being worked on, stay tuned). I should probably tell a few words about what we actually do at Inference Labs but things change so often I hope we're still bringing decentralized AI to the Web3 world when you read this (maybe