I usually use Vim for my coding and all other stuff requiring text editing. There are a lot of plugins, scripts, configs, packs for Vim and a lot of them help with Python. But so far I could not find the pack I'd love and I'm too lazy to make it on my own, so I usually throw out and re-create my whole Vim config dir once a year or so. This time I used Klen's Python Mode and it's good judging by number of tools involved: almost all code style/syntax helpers I know (pep8, pep257, pyflakes, pylint, mccabe, and pylama to integrate them), autopep8 to help with formatting and stuff, rope for refactoring (sorry, I won't overwhelm this post with links – look for them in readme in github repo). It can more or less integrate with virtualenv and, of course, use Python syntax and identation plugins for Vim. It provides commands for almost everything but doesn't provide a lot of convenient hot-keys. Also there are no hotkeys for Django stuff: I'd like to have hotke
Some technical and not so technical stuff about my work, open-source and other projects. Reviews of recent technologies, tips and tricks I use.